Link Worker Pilot – Local Benefit, Lasting Legacy


The money is for a pilot project to fund a link worker at Cloverdale Community Centre. A ‘no wrong door approach’ to whole person care, using social prescribing and community connection will be developed in the community context.

As a Neighbourhood House in one of Victoria’s most disadvantaged suburbs, we see first-hand the barriers and reluctance of people in our community to access mainstream services. They lack the confidence or capacity to go to Centrelink, job agencies and health services etc. At times they are intimidated or don’t feel respected. Increasingly, Cloverdale is where they come for help.

To ensure the sustainability and scalability of the project, some funds will be dedicated to developing a comprehensive model report that can be replicated in other community centres.

The project will involve:

  1. Research: The project team, including the link worker, will identify evidence-based practices and interventions in whole person care, social prescribing, and community connection. They will review existing literature, academic studies, and successful models implemented in similar contexts to gather valuable insights and best practices.
  2. Data Collection and Analysis: Data will be collected throughout the pilot project, including quantitative metrics and qualitative feedback from participants. This data will help identify key trends, challenges, and successful strategies employed during the implementation phase. The findings will contribute to the evidence base of the model report.
  3. Documenting the Model: Based on the research findings and data analysis, the project team will develop a comprehensive model report. It will provide a step-by-step guide on implementing the project, highlighting the core components, strategies, and activities required for successful execution.
  4. Replicability and Adaptability: The model report will emphasise replicability and adaptability to different community contexts. It will offer guidance on assessing local needs, engaging stakeholders, and tailoring the program to suit specific community characteristics. It will outline potential challenges and provide strategies for addressing them based on our lessons learned.

Dissemination and Knowledge Sharing: Once completed, the model report will be disseminated widely to relevant stakeholders, including other like organisations within the Geelong area. They may also host training sessions or webinars to help other interested parties understand and adopt the model.

Follow Cloverdale Community Centre on their Facebook page and visit their website

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