Transitioning to Life with Multiples (TLM) provides a new and innovative initiative, which compliments existing supports, and meets the unique needs of families of multiples to enhance health and well-being outcomes. New and expectant parents of multiples (pregnancy through to 6 months post-partum) will be provided with group sessions to offer pregnancy, birth and parenting psychoeducation which facilitates healthy attachment with their babies.
Existing public health services focus primarily on supporting singleton pregnancies with no specific information/ classes that encompasses the unique challenges of multiples. There are a few private providers (midwives) who will do these sessions however they are not easily accessible and can be costly for families.
All the education sessions target multiple birth education to improve health outcomes and wellbeing. Through education, families can be prepared and empowered to make informed choices throughout the pregnancy and early months post birth. These sessions will be facilitated either in person or online (pending participant preferences), which furthermore provides the opportunity for participants to connect with others who can understand the unique challenges of being a family with multiples and offer peer support for years to come.
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