Office Equipment


The Northern Geelong Rental Housing Co-op is a Community Housing organisation that manages 58 properties on behalf of DFFH.

Their main source of income is the rent from these properties which has to cover all the maintenance and upkeep on all of their managed properties. 

The grant from Benefit Geelong will help purchasing some office equipment to help provide effective communication with their members.

Northern Geelong Rental Housing Co-op hold regular committee meetings with their members who volunteer their time, and some members require the ability to attend these remotely.

The Co-op would also like to provide some learning/education sessions and social events to help them integrate into our society as many of their members are from many different backgrounds and cultures. 

The Co-op believes this will increase the engagement level of their members and assist them to be a part of the Co-op and the greater Geelong community.

For more information about Northen Geelong Rental Housing Co-op, visit their website.

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