With One Voice Aged Care Choir Workshops


Creativity Australia, With One Voice (WOV) Geelong choir will perform with and for, Geelong aged care residential facilities.

WOV Geelong is a social inclusion choir program which already brings together 120 diverse members of the Geelong community to experience the health and wellbeing benefits of group singing.

Members come from all walks of life, and WOV Geelong is a place for people to create bridges and friendships across race, age, gender, disability and socio-economic status.

This initiative will aim to bring the social and wellbeing benefits of the With One Voice program to the residents of Aged Care centres in Geelong.

They will partner with Aged Care centres to provide free, regular With One Voice choir sessions to residents, with the aim to improve the wellbeing and mental health of older people living in these facilities.

With One Voice Geelong members will perform a set of songs, then invite residents to join in the singing in a pressure-free, inclusive singalong environment.

At the end of the program, residents will participate in a final performance, alongside their new With One Voice Geelong choir members, to showcase the social connection and wellbeing benefits of singing together for visitors and staff.

Funding for this project would allow visits to each centre to provide free With One Voice Choir Workshops every 5-6 weeks over 12 months.

With One Voice was featured in A Current Affair. View the segment here.

Follow With One Voice Geelong on their Facebook and Instagram pages and visit their website

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